Thursday, September 21, 2006

Blu~ and I have come to an agreement...

...even though I suspect that's not his real name: on Monday, when I have recovered from the weekend treatments, I will resume my narrative where I left off.

Meanwhile, I thought I had it bad, but it seems it can still be had worse. I urge you all to rally around a suffering member of our community, Egvadz Floincz.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

the man who claims to be a doctor...

...also claims all this is necessary:

And this:

How is making someone not wish to leave different from making someone stay?
But I have come up with a way around even this obstacle. I wish so hard to stay that I don't think about not leaving, making all of his exertions beside the point.

I found this picture from home.

I think I understand some things now that I didn't before, or at least this could be the key to those things, don't you see?
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