Sunday, September 17, 2006

the man who claims to be a doctor...

...also claims all this is necessary:

And this:

How is making someone not wish to leave different from making someone stay?
But I have come up with a way around even this obstacle. I wish so hard to stay that I don't think about not leaving, making all of his exertions beside the point.

I found this picture from home.

I think I understand some things now that I didn't before, or at least this could be the key to those things, don't you see?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

DJ3NoDee writes: The brothers go to prizzle to be frizzle, nothing new here, nothing knew her, no thing new hair. And gone tomorrow.

It is essential that the story be told, now.

No more, no less.
No [B]less oblige?

September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

freedom is not frizzle.

September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DJ3NoDee writes: Frizzle mizzle nothing left to lizzle, write MCGizzle!

September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't need nizzle, hizzle, if it ain't frizzle.

September 18, 2006  
Blogger L M said...

You people are not making sense. You are all telling broken stories.

September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's an interesting turn: Loretta upbraiding her readers for being "lousy writers"? Don't go changing too much, darlin'...

September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Menos Budow writes: So many think me gone yet my whistful presence lingers even as the least artful gainsays to presume.

Ah DJ, my loyal apprentice, I see that my misdirection--that diagonals lead, often, to corners--led you wisely to see nexis, and has allowed you to enlarge your capaceous perception. Now, I charge you with the task of finding the nul-set values in this blog. They are there student! They are there! It is all within your grasp. If you need further proof of my return, recall the shibboleth that only you and I know, filling in the lacunae with adjective, adjective, noun. Watch everything unfold!

September 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

DJ3NoDee writes: Master Budow, is it possible? We thizzled you dizzle. Smokebone 137 saw you glazed. He sweazored.

I am already doing my translation.
I am alight with glee, home slices!

September 19, 2006  
Blogger L M said...

This is an historic and moving reunion, I think we can all agree, provided we can all agree that these two parties really represent those they claim to represent.

September 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AmIanMD writes: Small rooms, rooms with no doors, pictures of anonymous locations, anonymous communications -- the very stucture of reality is a belief system to which we all subscribe or see everything substantial become chimeric. I will continue to take your confession and seed the story with implication only if you participate. We can perform this task in blog or comments in blogs. Your decision is not final, taxes and handling expenses apply. Floincz should stop tasting the monkey placebos, some have been laced with other drugs...I'll say no more except silent ice and silent water are approachable.

September 20, 2006  
Blogger DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

I really appreciate that picture at the bottom with the foot and the wheel, for some reason it speaks to me in a way that none of these(and I mean no offense by this) nimrods can possibly hear...

Keep on keepin' on my favorite sum of zero...


September 21, 2006  
Blogger L M said...

Blu~, don't tell them that anything without a face speaks to you: it's how half the people here got into trouble in the first place. As for taking offense, how could they? Nimrod was a sharpshooter, not a public speaker.

September 21, 2006  
Blogger DoneCheap DoneRight PC said...

It may have got them into trouble but not I...Or Me...Or should I say US?

At any rate, I am the ID in the wizard of such so carry on my wayward sun, there will be peace when you are done...

Yankie Doodle did go to town didn't he? I sure hope so...

September 28, 2006  

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