They know these kinds of things upset me.

Maybe too easy, really, to say that I've got a fear of scars: too Freudian, perhaps, or worse, too on the nose: like Maureen, who has a fear of mushrooms, and it seems to me, when I give it any thought, natural. Mushrooms live in the moist dark, feeding silently on death--the skin between your toes as much as the fallen sycamore or that old basement carpet. Mushrooms (tumid, fleshy) are wherever death is, gorging on it, and it makes perfect sense to me, on those grounds alone, to avoid them.
A scar in linoleum, or on a skyline, is no different from a scar on a body--a record of violence, incursion, impact, or eruption. A possibly, though not necessarily, unkind contact.
A scar tells a story and leaves a record of existence from whatever it was that caused it...
A scar is simply an image, like a picture, or a drawing, it also has much artistic continuity and can never be duplicated from the original essence...It just keeps flowing in it's own current from one moment to the next, Hmmmm?
Made ya' think didn't I?
Maybe I was already thinking. But you certainly gave me a little more to think about. Not that I'm not necessarily thinking about what you think I should think about, or that, if I am, I'm thinking about it the way you think I should be.
Or rather, not that I am necessarily thinking about what you think I should think about, or that, if I am, I'm thinking about it the way you think I should be.
I'm sure you were already thinking about what I thought of before but did you or will you think about it when I think where you need to be thoughtful?
Well, think about it...
I think where I think what I think, or where I am thoughtful, is a strange thing for you to think about. I'd better get back to talking about where I am. Maybe tomorrow I will do that. Maybe.
DJ3NoDee writes: You think because you ken
Okay, I can compromise, maybe tommorrow? Maybe?
DJ3NoDee writes:I have reread all the posts and found two, by Egvadz Floincz, to be very unsettling to the Hip Hop community. I know that my voice, as representative of a vast collective -- soon to be distilled into a powerblock of major importance -- is only charted by the moguls of the financial world (and so be it!) but still I caution all who find their way here to tread carefully lest the fooders seek to gain control. All my beautiful diagonals forewarn:
If U meat to eat
there is only da'feat
never is a feast leased
Least feet Street feat
DaBomb! Budow 1999
Tomorrow what, Blu~? Is this more of your coded messaging? What kind of compromise is totally one-sided?
And as for Anonymous, DJ3NoDee, Floincz and company, you may see my comments under the heading, "I don't usually get into it with you people," above.
There is no one-sided compromise and there is no confusion on my part. I simply react with what is thrown and go along with no argument or complaint...
If you have a question about any of my questions or an answer to your unanswered ones then do not hesitate or refrain from passing go before you improvise on this matter. Okay? Good, I am soooo glad you agree, right? I really do hate monopoly but am willing to go to great lengths to achieve a greater good, aaahhhhhhh!!!!! That felt really nice, and you?
Gotta run because they are chasing me, later...
I feared as much: it was only a matter of time before they began to persecute the ones closest to me.
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